Monday, July 6, 2009

course requirements

in the career counseling course, our final exam is how well we did on our self-care project. we must come up with goals on how we will care for ourselves, act on these goals, and then evaluate ourselves.
i am so down for this class.
possible goals so far:
1) drawing
2) sitting in the backyard or couch 
how do you all do this?
rule- it can't benefit anyone but ourselves. 


  1. 1. hike somewhere in nature
    2. go on a long walk on a beautiful night

  2. 1. Draw.
    2. chill in my room listening to the cheesy songs hidden in my music library that I rarely play around other people. Its soo good haha

  3. 1. sit on porch and listen to birds in the morning.
    2. sit on porch and watch distant thunderstorm in the evening, or listen to night sounds.
    3. visit a nice coffeeshop and write in journal with vintage fountain pen.
    4. take a long walk listening to good message on iPod.
    5. ride a dirt bike in a bumpy pasture.
    6. attend a meteor shower.
